Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The Medieval Religion Of Islam - 1299 Words

During the 16th century, Christianity experienced a reformation in arguably one of the most defining moments in its history, the church was splintered and it was seen that priests and pastures should have more independent power, the reform was carried by spreading the holy bibles word and making people read the words literally to see the religion more for what it is. This action helped to kick start the modern era we now live in by abandoning the worst qualities of Christianity and also its traditions. Many people believe this is the path the medieval religion of Islam should take; is this necessary and why? Firstly, let’s look at the problems associated with Islam. It is a medieval religion founded in the 7th century making it younger†¦show more content†¦Such will be their degradation in the world, and in the Hereafter theirs will be an awful doom’ in other words this verse calls for the mass extermination or genocide of non-Muslims and non-believers, how can you then call Islam a religion of peace? There are hundreds of other verses and extracts of which I could highlight however I think it will be more beneficial to point out the major misconceptions of Islam and also the best way of going about a reformation. Following on from my previous points, another catastrophic problem with Islam is the fact that it attracts a very large number of extremists. Actually according to all of the major intelligence services across the world, 15-25% of total Muslims are radical, that means there are 225000000 people dedicated to destroying our very way of life, this is a significantly larger number than any other religion. You may then say that is still not a large enough percentage to represent 1.5 billion Muslims, however it really does not matter about the so called peaceful majority. If we look back at history, the Nazi party was a minority however they managed to kill over 6 million Jews in a horrific genocide, here the peaceful majority did not matter. The communist regime was coordinated by a minority; however they killed in excess of 50 million people yet againShow MoreRelatedIslamic State And Boko Haram1664 Words   |  7 Pagesthe religion of Islam as well as the groups that perpetrated these e vents. Often referring to the beliefs held by groups—such as the Islamic State and Boko Haram—as a radical and medieval version of Islam, these individuals are not wrong in a sense, but rather they are failing to notice that no ancient religion is peaceful or nonviolent. 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