Saturday, February 29, 2020

Charles Dickens Great Expectations Essay example -- Great Expectations

Dickens through Great Expectations seemed to have depiction of women and according to Martin Chilton should not be surprising that he did. Charles Dickens stated in 1842 â€Å"Catherine is as near being a donkey as one of her sex can be† (Chilton). Catherine was Dickens wife from 1836 to 1858; they had many kids together. Many believe Dickens terrified and depressed his wife of many years. Dickens had trouble depicting a mature female. Chilton states, "his own relations with women were all damaged, incomplete or destructive" (Chilton). There is obviously a connection between his personal experience and they way he depicts Mrs. Joe and others. Dickens relationship with women gave him many feelings to draw upon to display in his writing. Martin Chilton thought Miss Havisham was Dickens himself. The women in Great Expectations live under year’s of oppression. The cast of characters we saw were not educated and were in difficult personal situations. Peter Scheckner says, â€Å" the genealogies in this work show that virtually every female in the novel is a victim of oppressive circumstances, if not of economics then of a sex... ... middle of paper ... ...trated with the large majority of the female characters most of the time but evidently he would struggle without them. I truly, believe though if he had a more supportive stepmother, he would have ended up in a better situation and would be able to sustain his success. Charles Dickens was a novelist who wrote intense stories about the journey of Pip to fulfill his expectations. He was a man who had a difficult family situation. It was evident he was cruel to his wife Catherine and the fact that he did not even communicate to his ex wife that their son had died, he later sent a letter after the fact. These deplorable behaviors led to his depiction of many evil female characters in Great Expectations. Men in the novel were portrayed in a far better light and the depictions of women were disturbing to many has most Victorian women of the time were the total opposite.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Managing People Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Managing People - Essay Example In order to understand individual differences in talent management, there are various qualities which are usually measured. They range from abilities, personality characteristics, emotional intelligence, locus of control and other factors. The Big Five Personality Theory It is common for human resource professionals to use the Big Five Personality dimensions of traits which make up an individual’s personality. The five traits are openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism (Wiggins 1996, p. 3). The term ‘openness’ indicates that people who love to learn new things and experiences have high degree of openness. Such people are marked by an appreciation for unusual ideas and art. They tend to be highly imaginative and creative. Those who possess creativity are resistant to change and analytical. Now, a look into the performance of Steve Jobs proves that he was a man who was highly open in nature. He was a man who loved innovation and cre ativity and he wanted his people to be so (Case study). Every time, he and his company managed to come up with radically new things. The second important point is conscientiousness. A person who possesses high conscientiousness is marked by high self-discipline. In the case of conscientiousness, it is evident that such people are capable of controlling, regulating and directing their own impulses. They are capable of developing long-term goals, organising ways to achieve the goals, and working consistently and tirelessly to achieve the goals. Admittedly, such people are capable of showing high degree of responsibility and reliability. One can see that Steve Jobs was a man who possessed great degree of conscientiousness which made him appear as a perfectionist at times. As Wiggins (1996, p. 87) points out, it is likely for conscientious people to be termed as perfectionists. Another point of consideration is their relentlessness. As a result, it is possible for people to term people with high degree of conscientiousness as workaholics. The next important point of consideration is extraversion. It shows how outgoing and social a person is. Such people enjoy being with people and participating in social gatherings. Admittedly, Steve Jobs had high degree of extraversion. He loved to be the spokesperson of the company and he communicated with customers directly (Case study). However, there is the other side of extraversion. The introverts do not love to communicate with the outside world. These people tend to be quiet and keep to themselves. Another important point is agreeableness which means warmth, friendliness, and tactfulness. Such people are marked by helpfulness, friendliness, and generosity. That means, in work, Steve Jobs was less of an agreeable person because he never was ready to compromise on his on perceptions and intuitions in order to accommodate the opinion of others (Case study). He knew he was correct, and this feeling made him less agreeable in front o other people who worked with and under him. The next important point is neuroticism. People with high neuroticism can be divided into various categories based on various sub-traits like anxiety, anger, depression, self-consciousness, and immoderation. Admittedly, Steve Jobs was a man who was famous for his short-temperedness. From the discussion, it becomes evident that Steve Jobs was a man with openness, conscientiousness reaching the extent of workaholic and perfectionist proportions, poor degree of agreeableness, and neuroticism. Also, the two important factors that made him stand out from the rest is the high degree of conscientiousness, openness and neuroticism followed by less agreeableness and high neuroticism. That means, if the company manages to find a person

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Can Lebanon have peace if they started a Truth and Reconciliation Essay

Can Lebanon have peace if they started a Truth and Reconciliation Committee like South Africa - Essay Example The Maronite Christian and Muslim communities have fighting for equitable sectarian political power sharing among them. This paper discusses if there can be peace in Lebanon when a Truth and Reconciliation Committee (TRC) is established just like in the case of South Africa. Truly, it is extremely difficult to distinguish victims from the offenders during a civil war. There have been many attempts to bring peace in the Lebanese community but these peace talks ignore the underlying causes of the conflict such as the political, social and confessional cleavages. Arguably, reparative justice can effectively address the assumed disagreement between justice, peace and reconciliation. Reparative justice is built on various elements including, active participation of the offender and victim; exploration of the motives and main causes by the offender and victim; consideration of necessary outcomes for restitution by the offender, victim and the community at large; and reconciliation of the antagonistic groups among others. According to Quinn (11), power sharing and social transformation are very important in the reconciliation process. Arguably, discovering the truth can be done by pardoning main actors thereby creating the feeling of injustice in the society. It can also be done behind the doors so as to avoid disclosure of the witnesses. Even though this process is not inclusive and can be criticized by many people, it is the key to a lasting reconciliation. Special tribunal for Lebanon was established for many reasons including trying those who were suspected of assassinating Lebanese Prime Minister, Hariri and many other people (Moriarty and Eva 147). Notably, traditional tribunal systems would not be effective in Lebanon, as it would promote the existing cleavages instead of conquering them. The Lebanese officials ignored both justice and reconciliation and as a result, justice